
Caregivers Chat

Please join us on for a monthly chat as we share our joys, sorrows and challenges of supporting our loved ones. We meet over Zoom once a month on Monday. Please contact the Office Coordinator at

Wednesday Gathering

Join us in person on the last Wednesday of the month at 10am for coffee, tea and conversation. Please contact Sarah in the Church Office at 519-824-4800 ex 1 for more information.

North End Harvest Market (NEHM) and Food Equity With Dignity (FEWD)

Trinity United Church is hosting our friends from North End Harvest Market and Food Equity with Dignity. For more information please contact

Life Messages

Join us for Life Messages one Sunday a month during our worship service Sunday at 10am. One Sunday a month during our worship service Trinity United Church Guelph we invite a member of the community to share some insights about their life and or work with us.

Pastoral Care

Therapeutic Touch

Our Therapeutic Touch (TT) practitioners meet the third Wednesday of each month at 4:00 pm in the Norfolk Room. If you are a practitioner who is presently not receiving community support for your skills, why not join us at our next meeting. Meetings include meditation and the practice of the TT technique.

Trinity Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer shawl ministry is a form of pastoral care throughout our church community, and beyond. We have formed a Prayer Shawl Ministry group, which meets the last Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm in the Norfolk Room. This time is set aside for knitting/crocheting together, prayer, tips on instructions and technique, conversation and teatime! Everyone is welcome. For more information about our ministry or to join us please contact the Church Office at (519)824-4800 ex1 or

Caregivers Chat

Please join us on for a monthly chat as we share our joys, sorrows and challenges of supporting our loved ones. We meet over Zoom once a month on Monday. Please contact the Office Coordinator at