Congratulations to Trinity Prayer Shawl Ministry!!!  September 1, 2017 saw this Ministry achieve 10 successful years of operation. Naturally in the first years we were giving more away than our current average, but for the last 4 years, we are averaging a 100 shawls a year.  That is 4000 hours  a year of knitting or crochet time, that is about $700 a year worth of yarn, but if not purchased on sale at an outlet that could have been $2,000 worth of yarn. Thank you to all our knitters, crocheters and donors.  

To the crafter: “It has been proven that choosing needles over Netflix can do wonders to promote cognitive function as well as hand health”! Great article out of Sacramento by Sammy Caiola at the Sacramento Bee.

For more information about our ministry or to join us please contact the Church Office at (519)824-4800 ex1 or

A Testimonial

Received the lovely prayer shawl. What a pleasant surprise! 

I recall both my mother and late niece receiving such a gift when they were going through chemo and I know how much they each cherished theirs. I can assure you this one will travel every step of this journey with me and remain with me for the rest of my time. It is a treasure!

To your Prayer Shawl Ministry, the crafters, healing hands practioners and the blessing hands of your congregation, my sincere thanks. My prayers will be joined with yours for all those who suffer through this cruel disease!
