Weddings, Baptisms, and Funerals


Marriage Policy

Trinity United Church, Guelph affirms that all persons who legally may be married – regardless of race, creed, socio-economic status, background or sexual orientation – will be treated equally in respect to being married. All marriages are subject to the discretion of the minister.

The minister and music director will help you plan for a wedding that is distinctly yours. In addition to helping with your wedding plans, the minister will gladly discuss any personal or religious questions with you. Pre-marriage classes are not a requirement. However, various churches offer group pre-marriage education events, and you are encouraged to consider them. The minister will also be pleased to meet with you on 2-3 separate occasions to discuss helpful marriage information with you as an individual couple.


Fees set by the Church Council are as follows:

Space & Position All Weddings
Non Refundable Deposit (will confirm wedding date & time; will be applied to Sanctuary Use day of Rehearsal) $200.00
Sanctuary Use (per wedding) $350.00
Other spaces such as Trinity Hall (Auditorium), Norfolk Room & Kitchen use for Reception to be at Rental rates. See Our Rentals Page
Additional Costs
Minister $300.00
Wedding Ambassador (each) $150.00
Music Director  $200.00
AV Technicians (Livestreaming and/or Powerpoint or Prerecorded Music) $125.00
Lift Operators (each) *Number of lift operators required is determined by the Church Office $17.50 an hour

Andrea LeBlanc is Trinity’s Music Director and will be engaged for your wedding. Should you wish particular music played, please contact Andrea at 519-824-8171 to be sure that she has that music.

Note: Andrea will not be at the wedding rehearsals. Extra practices with soloists or other musicians will have to be negotiated with Andrea and additional fees will apply.


Only Trinity United Church, Guelph related Minister(s) are permitted to officiate at weddings held here. Additional clergy are welcome to participate during the wedding if arranged prior to the rehearsal.

Contact Information:

Please phone the church office 519-824-4800 in the event of any change in address, phone number, or any of the details concerning your wedding.

Notes Pertaining to Payment of Fees:

  • A non-refundable deposit of $200.00, in cash, is payable to the Church Office when the wedding date and time are confirmed by the minister. This deposit will be applied to the sanctuary fee.
  • The balance and the other fees are payable, in cash, on the date of the rehearsal. 

Time Allotted:

1 1/2 hours for each wedding – 1/2 hour prior to the ceremony, approximately 1/2 hour for the ceremony, and 1/2 hour for guests to disperse after the service. This prevents weddings overlapping each other.

Marriage License:

To be married in Ontario, you must fill out a marriage licence application form.  You can get one from your municipal office of your city, town, village or township if there is a license issuer there. There is a fee for purchasing a marriage licence. The marriage licence is valid anywhere in Ontario for three months from the date of  purchase.  If the licence expires, it will not be valid and you will have to purchase another licence.


A marriage may be solemnized under the authority of the publication of banns if both parties to the proposed marriage worship regularly at their own church in Canada. No one may marry under the authority of the publication of banns if there was a previous marriage (dissolved or annulled).


You are welcome to bring in flowers of your own choice. Please let the Church  Office know during the week before the wedding when the flowers will be delivered to the church. Please note that the deliveries must made during Church Office hour 9am-1pm Monday to Friday.

Confetti and Balloons:

The use of confetti, butterflies, rice, glitter like substances and balloons are only permitted outside the building.

The Trinity United Church family affirms the joy you have found in each other, and hopes that you will find health and wholeness in your life together. To this end we welcome you to Trinity United Church. We offer worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. The spiritual dimension of life will enrich your lives and your marriage. Should you wish to make Trinity United Church your spiritual home be assured of our welcome.

Blessings to you as you prepare for your wedding.
We look forward to sharing the day with you.


What is Baptism?

Baptism is an ancient ritual, a symbolic action using water that signifies the new life God gives us as we join the wider church community. Baptism celebrates God’s initiative and our response. It is God’s “Yes” to us and our “Yes” to God.  For us, the sacrament (a sacred, special act that we understand points to God’s presence with us) of baptism is an act of welcome and belonging. It is the outward sign of something we believe has existed from the very beginning – the love, welcome and acceptance of God for each person, just as they are. It also is a symbol of the journey we make, and are constantly making, for the life we have…to the life we are entering, a journey of learning and growth from limitation to freedom.  It is a journey made with the support of community.

What happens at the baptism?

As parents or guardians seeking baptism for your child, you will be asked a question about your faith that also is a promise made on your child’s behalf. The gathered congregation is asked a question as well, out of which they indicate their support and willingness to journey with you as you raise your child. The child is baptized using a small amount of water and marked with the sign of the cross. 

Can special individuals be named as Godparents?

The traditional role of godparents is one now taken on by the whole congregation, in the promises they make to you as parents. However, if there is a special family member or friend who is especially supportive of you and your child, we will invite them to stand with you at your child’s at baptism and a question will be asked of them, indicating the special place they have in your life and in the life of your child.


What are your fees?


  All Services
Sanctuary Use (No Charge) N/A
Trinity Hall (Auditorium) $100.00
Norfolk Room (LP) Family Gathering pre-service N/A
Kitchen: Snacks/Catered Meals $100.00
Kitchen: Full Meals N/A
Additional Costs
Minister $300.00
Funeral Steward (each) $150.00
Music Director  $200.00
AV (Powerpoint, Recorded Music and/or Livestreaming Use of Powerpoint and Livestreaming will require two AV Technicians at a rate of  $125 each *Use of Powerpoint slides in Trinity Hall during the reception will require an AV Technician seperate from the livestreaming $125.00
Funeral Ambassador (each)* $150.00
Lift Operators (2 @ $17.50 each per hour) *Number of lift operators required is determined by the Church Office $35.00 an hour
Set Up and Take Down Fee Large $100.00
Set Up and Take Down Fee $60.00
Additional Greeters and Kitchen support per person (depending on the size of funeral the Church may require additional greeters and/kitchen support) $50.00

When can the funeral/memorial service be held?

Sometimes funerals/memorials take place within days after death. Sometimes it may be weeks, or even months, before family and friends can gather. Our ministers will work with you to find the most appropriate date and time for a service, given your own needs and the scheduling possibilities for the minister, and for our church. Funerals/memorials are not typically held on Sundays or on significant days in the life of the church, such as Christmas and Easter.

Where can the funeral/memorial service be held?

It is our hope that you will consider first holding the service for your loved one in our church Sanctuary or Chapel (Norfolk Room). From time to time, our minister is asked to lead a service at a funeral home or cemetery and we are honoured to be able to be a part of this as well.

What is normally included in a funeral service?

Our ministers will meet with your family to carefully plan a service that both reflects and celebrates the life of your loved one and lifts up the compassion, thanksgiving and hope that lie at the heart of the Christian story. The service generally will include readings and prayers, an opportunity for sharing by family members/friends, music, and a reflection by the minister.

What music is provided?

Our Director of Music is available to provide musical accompaniment for the service, working with you to make choices, instrumental music or songs, which are appropriate both to the occasion and to the life of your loved one.

Are flowers required?

Only if you would like them. Trinity strives to be a scent-free environment, so please contact the Church Office for a list of flowers that can be placed in the church.

Do you cater funeral receptions?

Our church no longer caters for funeral/memorial receptions.