Recreation |
Men's Coffee online
Men's Coffee online
This Thursday morning drop in is held presently online through ZOOM. The gang gathers around 9 am and heads out around 10 am. Contact the church office for the ZOOM contact information.
Thursday morning Badmintion
Thursday morning Badmintion
Come and create a racquet with us!
Book Club
Book Club
All avid readers and wannabe book critics are welcome to participate in this wonderful opportunity to gather and explore the sometimes challenging written works. Book Club is held one Tuesday afternoon each month. For more information please contact the Church office at
Sunshine Club
Sunshine Club
A lively group for seniors who meet on Wednesdays for a brown bag lunch and a couple of hours of great cards (euchre & bridge). Tea and coffee is provided by the Sunshine Club coordinators (The Sunbeams) from our congregation. It starts at 11:45 to 2:45 and a good time is had by all. For more information please call Joyce Flewelling at 519-823-1169.
Community Yoga
Community Yoga
Community Yoga for all ages. Weekly on Sundays at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Our yoga instructor works with all levels of ability.
Fun Fit
Fun Fit
Please join us for any-fitness-level’ class will begin. Participants are asked to bring their own hand weights, refillable water bottle, wear comfortable clothes and gym shoes. Please contact Sarah in the Church Office or (519) 824-4800 ex 1.
Trinity Prayer Shawl Ministry
Trinity Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer shawl ministry is a form of pastoral care throughout our church community, and beyond. We have formed a Prayer Shawl Ministry group, which meets the last Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm in the Norfolk Room. This time is set aside for knitting/crocheting together, prayer, tips on instructions and technique, conversation and teatime! Everyone is welcome. For more information about our ministry or to join us please contact the Church Office at (519)824-4800 ex1 or
Trinity Choir
Trinity Choir
Music enriches our lives spiritually and creatively. In leading the congregation through song, we provide extraordinary music for all celebrations throughout the church year. If you think that this is something you would like to get involved in, please contact Sarah at
Join us for Zumba! "Join Wendelin, the instructor, for a high-energy Zumba workout! For more information please email Sarah at
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch
The LunchBunch, invites you to join them for lunch once a month. This a chance for like minded folk who prefer to drive and eat out in daylight! Please email Sarah at or to find out the date and time of the next lunch bunch lunch.
Communal Garden
Communal Garden
All of the produce harvested from the Harcourt Communal Garden is donated to the Chalmers Community Services Centre’s (CCSC) food pantry at 40 Baker Street, enabling marginalized citizens of Guelph to receive more fresh, organic produce than they might otherwise have access to.
The Harcourt library boasts an up-to-date collection of books, videos, magazines, audio tapes and puzzles for all ages — babies to grandparents, and everyone in between. The library is open whenever the church is open.
Quilting Group
Quilting Group
Harcourt’s Quilting Group has been meeting for the past 10 years. All of our quilts are machine made and either donated to folks in need or used for fundraising projects. Though small in number, we are an industrious group and have produced scores of quilts over the years.
Prayer Shawl Circle
Prayer Shawl Circle
We are a group who love to knit and crochet. Our shawls are given to people experiencing difficult times in their lives, or sometimes it may be a joyful time.
Every baby and child is given a white shawl to celebrate their baptism. Requests for prayer shawls may be made through the church office. Fellowship and caring is an important part of this circle.
Rainbow Chorus of Waterloo Wellington
Rainbow Chorus of Waterloo Wellington
Rainbow Chorus of Waterloo Wellington is a community chorus that welcomes members of all genders, sexualities, and gender expressions – and allies of the LGBTQ+ community. We invite members from all levels of experience who enjoy singing a diverse repertoire of choral music; no audition required.
Community Gardens
Community Gardens
We have several garden plots on the church property that brings urban gardeners together. To request a garden plot contact the church office 519-822-7690.
Outdoor Labyrinth
Outdoor Labyrinth
Our outdoor labyrinth is located on the north west side of the property. Walking a labyrinth can be calming and offer a level of focus that can be difficult to find in a busy life.
To book indoor labyrinth contact the church office - 519-822-7690.
Spiritual Growth |
Prayer shawl gatherings
Prayer shawl gatherings
The prayer shawl gatherings happen the second Tuesday of each month.
Contemplation group
Contemplation group
This periodic Wednesday afternoon group includes meditative practices, book reading and discussions, prayer.
20/30/40 Somethings
20/30/40 Somethings
This group is designed for those in their 20's, 30's or 40's. The events include social times like a pub night and time to grow together with bible study and discussion online. Colleen Lowrie leads this wonderful group. Open to those interested from Dublin, GUM churches or beyond. Contact Colleen for more information.
Sunshine Club
Sunshine Club
A lively group for seniors who meet on Wednesdays for a brown bag lunch and a couple of hours of great cards (euchre & bridge). Tea and coffee is provided by the Sunshine Club coordinators (The Sunbeams) from our congregation. It starts at 11:45 to 2:45 and a good time is had by all. For more information please call Joyce Flewelling at 519-823-1169.
Therapeutic Touch
Therapeutic Touch
Our Therapeutic Touch (TT) practitioners meet the third Wednesday of each month at 4:00 pm in the Norfolk Room. If you are a practitioner who is presently not receiving community support for your skills, why not join us at our next meeting. Meetings include meditation and the practice of the TT technique.
Wednesday Night Coffee Chat
Wednesday Night Coffee Chat
Join us Wednesday nights at 8:15 on Zoom to relax connect with others. Please contact Sarah in the Church Office ( you would like to attend.
Wednesday Gathering
Wednesday Gathering
Join us in person on the last Wednesday of the month at 10am for coffee, tea and conversation. Please contact Sarah in the Church Office at 519-824-4800 ex 1 for more information.
Trinity Prayer Shawl Ministry
Trinity Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer shawl ministry is a form of pastoral care throughout our church community, and beyond. We have formed a Prayer Shawl Ministry group, which meets the last Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm in the Norfolk Room. This time is set aside for knitting/crocheting together, prayer, tips on instructions and technique, conversation and teatime! Everyone is welcome. For more information about our ministry or to join us please contact the Church Office at (519)824-4800 ex1 or
Life Messages
Life Messages
Join us for Life Messages one Sunday a month during our worship service Sunday at 10am. One Sunday a month during our worship service Trinity United Church Guelph we invite a member of the community to share some insights about their life and or work with us.
Mindstretch is a discussion group with no boundaries. It is for everyone who is curious about faith, the changing concept of God, spiritual experiences, near-death experience – anything really!
Our conversations are prompted by readings or video clips. We listen respectfully as each person in turn responds to the week’s question. We make no decisions and seek no consensus. Listening to others’ viewpoints stretches your mind!
We meet on Thursday mornings from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM in the Harcourt Chapel.
Women’s Spirituality
Women’s Spirituality
The purpose of our group is to provide a safe and supportive space for women to reflect on our lives and spirituality. Meetings begin with a check in, during which women are invited to share as much or as little as they choose. At each meeting, one of our members offers a meditation for the group. Discussions and activities that relate to women’s spirituality take place. All women are welcome.
Zentangle Spiritual Practice
Zentangle Spiritual Practice
Zentangle is the spiritual practice of creating beautiful images by drawing patterns.
This group meets every Thursday 4:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Prayer Shawl Group
Prayer Shawl Group
The making of a prayer shawl is a spiritual practice and are given away to offer comfort to those in need. This group meets the first Saturday of the month (Sept. - June) for a time of prayer, knitting and conversation.
Prayer Group
Prayer Group
This small leadership group meets weekly from September to May to offer Intercessory prayers - praying for family, friends and prayer requests from the community, local and global issues. During Advent, they offer a Blue Christmas service for those who are grieving.
Discussion Groups |
Contemplation group
Contemplation group
This periodic Wednesday afternoon group includes meditative practices, book reading and discussions, prayer.
20/30/40 Somethings
20/30/40 Somethings
This group is designed for those in their 20's, 30's or 40's. The events include social times like a pub night and time to grow together with bible study and discussion online. Colleen Lowrie leads this wonderful group. Open to those interested from Dublin, GUM churches or beyond. Contact Colleen for more information.
A group of women who meet once a month to discuss life and enjoy each other's company through conversation and various activities. They meet once a month, watch the calendar for dates. For more information please call Valerie Morrell through the Church Office or 519-824-4800 ex1.
Wednesday Night Coffee Chat
Wednesday Night Coffee Chat
Join us Wednesday nights at 8:15 on Zoom to relax connect with others. Please contact Sarah in the Church Office ( you would like to attend.
Wednesday Gathering
Wednesday Gathering
Join us in person on the last Wednesday of the month at 10am for coffee, tea and conversation. Please contact Sarah in the Church Office at 519-824-4800 ex 1 for more information.
Mindstretch is a discussion group with no boundaries. It is for everyone who is curious about faith, the changing concept of God, spiritual experiences, near-death experience – anything really!
Our conversations are prompted by readings or video clips. We listen respectfully as each person in turn responds to the week’s question. We make no decisions and seek no consensus. Listening to others’ viewpoints stretches your mind!
We meet on Thursday mornings from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM in the Harcourt Chapel.
Caroline Harcourt Women's Fellowship
Caroline Harcourt Women's Fellowship
The Caroline Harcourt Women’s Fellowship (CHWF) evolved 15 years ago from a United Church Women (UCW) unit. It meets monthly at noon in the Friendship Room, over sandwiches, and features speakers and programs which inspire, enrich and motivate all interested women.
Men's Group
Men's Group
When the Men’s Group meets, the meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month, (but not in July and August), in the Friendship Room, at 8:00 a.m., for fellowship, discussions, stimulating speakers, and coffee and tea.
Queer Men’s Social Network
Queer Men’s Social Network
Q2MSN is a monthly discussion group for all queer and questioning, cisgender and transgender men into men — gay, bisexual, queer, polysexual, pansexual, two-spirit and beyond.
Our mandate is to create a space for discussion of topics relevant to our challenges/successes as a community as well as to provide an opportunity for queer and questioning men to meet other men, to socialize and plan enjoyable social outings.
Women's Groups |
Prayer shawl gatherings
Prayer shawl gatherings
The prayer shawl gatherings happen the second Tuesday of each month.
Thursday morning Badmintion
Thursday morning Badmintion
Come and create a racquet with us!
This UCW unit meets on the Third Thursday of the month in the afternoon.
Single Women’s Supper Group
Single Women’s Supper Group
This group has been gathering on the last Friday of each month for five years. We meet for a potluck meal, fellowship, and a time of reflection.
A group of women who meet once a month to discuss life and enjoy each other's company through conversation and various activities. They meet once a month, watch the calendar for dates. For more information please call Valerie Morrell through the Church Office or 519-824-4800 ex1.
Ladies' Dinner Out
Ladies' Dinner Out
Please join us monthly for dinner, conversation and community. For more information please email Sarah at
Women’s Spirituality
Women’s Spirituality
The purpose of our group is to provide a safe and supportive space for women to reflect on our lives and spirituality. Meetings begin with a check in, during which women are invited to share as much or as little as they choose. At each meeting, one of our members offers a meditation for the group. Discussions and activities that relate to women’s spirituality take place. All women are welcome.
Caroline Harcourt Women's Fellowship
Caroline Harcourt Women's Fellowship
The Caroline Harcourt Women’s Fellowship (CHWF) evolved 15 years ago from a United Church Women (UCW) unit. It meets monthly at noon in the Friendship Room, over sandwiches, and features speakers and programs which inspire, enrich and motivate all interested women.
United Church Women
United Church Women
To unite women of the congregation for the total mission of the church and to be a means by which we may express our loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness. This group meets the second Wednesday of the month at 7:15 p.m. in the Willow Grove Room. All women welcome (September - June).
Men's Groups |
Men's Coffee online
Men's Coffee online
This Thursday morning drop in is held presently online through ZOOM. The gang gathers around 9 am and heads out around 10 am. Contact the church office for the ZOOM contact information.
Thursday morning Badmintion
Thursday morning Badmintion
Come and create a racquet with us!
Men's Breakfast
Men's Breakfast
Please join us once a month for breakfast, community and conversation. For more information please email Sarah at
Men's Group
Men's Group
When the Men’s Group meets, the meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month, (but not in July and August), in the Friendship Room, at 8:00 a.m., for fellowship, discussions, stimulating speakers, and coffee and tea.
Queer Men’s Social Network
Queer Men’s Social Network
Q2MSN is a monthly discussion group for all queer and questioning, cisgender and transgender men into men — gay, bisexual, queer, polysexual, pansexual, two-spirit and beyond.
Our mandate is to create a space for discussion of topics relevant to our challenges/successes as a community as well as to provide an opportunity for queer and questioning men to meet other men, to socialize and plan enjoyable social outings.
Rainbow Chorus of Waterloo Wellington
Rainbow Chorus of Waterloo Wellington
Rainbow Chorus of Waterloo Wellington is a community chorus that welcomes members of all genders, sexualities, and gender expressions – and allies of the LGBTQ+ community. We invite members from all levels of experience who enjoy singing a diverse repertoire of choral music; no audition required.
Queer Men’s Social Network
Queer Men’s Social Network
Q2MSN is a monthly discussion group for all queer and questioning, cisgender and transgender men into men — gay, bisexual, queer, polysexual, pansexual, two-spirit and beyond.
Our mandate is to create a space for discussion of topics relevant to our challenges/successes as a community as well as to provide an opportunity for queer and questioning men to meet other men, to socialize and plan enjoyable social outings.
Small Groups |
Chancel Choir
Chancel Choir
The Chancel choir is an adult based choir who enjoys good music and being in community together.
Handbell choir
Handbell choir
This handbell choir is for those who have played the bells before or have a little musical background. They practice Tuesday nights and play in worship from time to time throughout the year.
Prayer shawl gatherings
Prayer shawl gatherings
The prayer shawl gatherings happen the second Tuesday of each month.
Contemplation group
Contemplation group
This periodic Wednesday afternoon group includes meditative practices, book reading and discussions, prayer.
This UCW unit meets on the Third Thursday of the month in the afternoon.
Single Women’s Supper Group
Single Women’s Supper Group
This group has been gathering on the last Friday of each month for five years. We meet for a potluck meal, fellowship, and a time of reflection.
20/30/40 Somethings
20/30/40 Somethings
This group is designed for those in their 20's, 30's or 40's. The events include social times like a pub night and time to grow together with bible study and discussion online. Colleen Lowrie leads this wonderful group. Open to those interested from Dublin, GUM churches or beyond. Contact Colleen for more information.
Wednesday Night Coffee Chat
Wednesday Night Coffee Chat
Join us Wednesday nights at 8:15 on Zoom to relax connect with others. Please contact Sarah in the Church Office ( you would like to attend.
Wednesday Gathering
Wednesday Gathering
Join us in person on the last Wednesday of the month at 10am for coffee, tea and conversation. Please contact Sarah in the Church Office at 519-824-4800 ex 1 for more information.
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch
The LunchBunch, invites you to join them for lunch once a month. This a chance for like minded folk who prefer to drive and eat out in daylight! Please email Sarah at or to find out the date and time of the next lunch bunch lunch.
Communal Garden
Communal Garden
All of the produce harvested from the Harcourt Communal Garden is donated to the Chalmers Community Services Centre’s (CCSC) food pantry at 40 Baker Street, enabling marginalized citizens of Guelph to receive more fresh, organic produce than they might otherwise have access to.
Quilting Group
Quilting Group
Harcourt’s Quilting Group has been meeting for the past 10 years. All of our quilts are machine made and either donated to folks in need or used for fundraising projects. Though small in number, we are an industrious group and have produced scores of quilts over the years.
Prayer Shawl Circle
Prayer Shawl Circle
We are a group who love to knit and crochet. Our shawls are given to people experiencing difficult times in their lives, or sometimes it may be a joyful time.
Every baby and child is given a white shawl to celebrate their baptism. Requests for prayer shawls may be made through the church office. Fellowship and caring is an important part of this circle.
Mindstretch is a discussion group with no boundaries. It is for everyone who is curious about faith, the changing concept of God, spiritual experiences, near-death experience – anything really!
Our conversations are prompted by readings or video clips. We listen respectfully as each person in turn responds to the week’s question. We make no decisions and seek no consensus. Listening to others’ viewpoints stretches your mind!
We meet on Thursday mornings from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM in the Harcourt Chapel.
Women’s Spirituality
Women’s Spirituality
The purpose of our group is to provide a safe and supportive space for women to reflect on our lives and spirituality. Meetings begin with a check in, during which women are invited to share as much or as little as they choose. At each meeting, one of our members offers a meditation for the group. Discussions and activities that relate to women’s spirituality take place. All women are welcome.
Caroline Harcourt Women's Fellowship
Caroline Harcourt Women's Fellowship
The Caroline Harcourt Women’s Fellowship (CHWF) evolved 15 years ago from a United Church Women (UCW) unit. It meets monthly at noon in the Friendship Room, over sandwiches, and features speakers and programs which inspire, enrich and motivate all interested women.
Men's Group
Men's Group
When the Men’s Group meets, the meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month, (but not in July and August), in the Friendship Room, at 8:00 a.m., for fellowship, discussions, stimulating speakers, and coffee and tea.
Rainbow Chorus of Waterloo Wellington
Rainbow Chorus of Waterloo Wellington
Rainbow Chorus of Waterloo Wellington is a community chorus that welcomes members of all genders, sexualities, and gender expressions – and allies of the LGBTQ+ community. We invite members from all levels of experience who enjoy singing a diverse repertoire of choral music; no audition required.
Queer Men’s Social Network
Queer Men’s Social Network
Q2MSN is a monthly discussion group for all queer and questioning, cisgender and transgender men into men — gay, bisexual, queer, polysexual, pansexual, two-spirit and beyond.
Our mandate is to create a space for discussion of topics relevant to our challenges/successes as a community as well as to provide an opportunity for queer and questioning men to meet other men, to socialize and plan enjoyable social outings.
Prayer Shawl Group
Prayer Shawl Group
The making of a prayer shawl is a spiritual practice and are given away to offer comfort to those in need. This group meets the first Saturday of the month (Sept. - June) for a time of prayer, knitting and conversation.
Prayer Group
Prayer Group
This small leadership group meets weekly from September to May to offer Intercessory prayers - praying for family, friends and prayer requests from the community, local and global issues. During Advent, they offer a Blue Christmas service for those who are grieving.