Join us for Life Messages one Sunday a month during our worship service Sunday at 10am. One Sunday a month during our worship service Trinity United Church Guelph  we invite a member of the community to share some insights about their life and or work with us.

Previous Life Message Speakers include social activists, lawyers, story tellers and leaders from community organizations.

Upcoming Life Message Speakers

We have a list of exciting speakers!

Check out our Facebook, Instagram, Website, Annoucements and Services on Youtube in the next couple of months for latest list of speakers. 

Previous Life Message Speakers

Click here to watch previous Life Messages


January  - "Seniors for Climate Action Now (SCAN)", Mary Mitchell


November - "Col. John McCrae", Susan Raby Dunne
October - "The importance of family in creating a better world", Doug Black
September - “Demystifying Mental Health”, Alison De Muy, CMHA Waterloo-Wellington
June - “Play”, Jennifer Hillier
May - “The Question that can Change Everything”, Wale Shamonda
April - “12 Steps to Happiness”, Ivor Wright
March - “Life of a Woke Black Girl”, Kween Gerber
February - “Wonder”, John Gaida, Realtor and Kidney transplant recipient
January - “Chalmers Community Services Centre”, Janet Wood, CCSC Chair, and Sarah Meunier, CCSC ED


Click on a link below to view the worship service with the Life Message.

October: "The Power of Story", Sya Von Geest, Leader in the Guelph Guild of Storytellers

September: "Life in Our Town...The Forgiveness Formula", Rev. Tom Watson, United Church minister (retired)

June: "Poverty in My Pocket", Barb McPhee, Manager, North End Harvest Market

May: "I am an able-bodied person who is blind", Jim Saunders, President and CEO (retired), CNIB

April: "Would You Like Fries with That", Vicki Olatundun, Executive Director, Chalmers Community Support Centre

March: Jacqueline Long, Yoga and Wellness instructor

February: Rev. Dr. Kristine O' Brien, Executive Director, Crief Hills Retreat Center

January: "Don't forget to breathe: managing Anxiety in times of Stress", Jenn Eenslid