We all have a story to tell.  Ours is a bit longer due to our presence in the community for a long-time.  We are started with a hope to help families at the edge of town.  In 1874 we were!

Now we are a downtown church – one of the Old Stone Churches of Guelph.  Our nature has been to be a congregation in the community for the community.  Our building is used by over 60 user groups and we have been a community where Scouts, Cubs, girl guides, AA groups and others have found welcome and support.
The United Church is not your typical church.  

We have been a leader in welcoming and supporting people in a changing world.  We have been welcoming women in ministry roles since 1936.  We have been a community where divorced people could be welcomed at the communion table, where people of different sexual orientations could be accepted in membership and ministry leadership, same sex marriages have been blessed.  We see God’s family as a real tapestry of colours and lifestyles.  We have not been a perfect church and we have had to confess our roles in residential schools and our silence about the internment of Japanese Canadians in World War 2.  We are a place where we acknowledge our mistakes.

We are a community where we strive to add our hands and voices of God’s love and care for a beautiful and yet often bruised and hurting world.
One of our statements that we hold dear and strive to follow is:
“We are not alone,
    we live in God’s world.
We believe in God:
    who has created and is creating,
    who has come in Jesus,
       the Word made flesh,
       to reconcile and make new,
    who works in us and others
 by the Spirit.
We trust in God.
We are called to be the Church:
    to celebrate God’s presence,
    to live with respect in Creation,
    to love and serve others,
    to seek justice and resist evil,
    to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,
       our judge and our hope.
In life, in death, in life beyond death,
    God is with us.
We are not alone.
Thanks be to God.” 

~ A New Creed ~