August Worship Schedules:


    August 4 - Harcourt Memorial, 87 Dean Ave. Guelph, ON  10 am for in-person and online

                   Click here to go to their online service - August 4 at 10 am 

August 11 - Dublin St with Rev. Mary Savage leading and Dr. Fred Graham providing music.

                     Click here to go to Trinity's online service - August 11 at 10 am.

August 18 - Dublin St with Rev. Andrew Hyde leading and Dr. Irene Gregorio providing music.         Click here to go to Three Willows' online service - August 18 at 10:30 am

August 25 - Dublin St with Rev. Andrew Hyde leading and Dr. Irene Gregorio providing music.           Click here to go to Harcourt's online service - August 25 at 10 am.

Also check out Dublin's sponsoring Forest Church on August 11 and 25 at 1 p.m. (in-person only) at the Arboretum.   Rev. Mary Savage leading.

To find our group, enter the main entrance of the Arboretum, off College Ave., E. (close to Victoria Road S) and park in the lot near the Arboretum Centre building.  We will meet at the glass kiosk enclosure across from the Arboretum Centre at 1:00 p.m. and make our way into the woods (a short distance, but off the path possibly on uneven ground).

There we will spend time gathering,  becoming grounded and focusing on the day's theme. Then, for half an hour we will each wander the grounds to explore, enjoy and engage with Creation, returning to the group to reflect on what we have experienced.

We will meet rain or shine.  Dress for the weather.  If you would rather not sit on the ground, bring a chair or blanket.