150th Anniversary News and Updates
Dublin Street United is celebrating 150 years in 2024! Come and share in the excitement and remembering the ways of God's grace and faithfulness to this community and the ways we have answered God's call to serve and love our neighbour. We have a variety of events throughout 2024. Some are listed here. Love to have you join in any or all of these events.
Some of the Highlights:
- Logo contest - January
- Doors Open tour - April
- Congregational Chicken Dinner, October 19 at 5 p.m. (Tickets in advance on sale in September starting on the 8th. Tickets $35/adult, $10/children, $90/family rate. The dinner evening will also includes a silent auction.
- 150th Anniversary Service, October 20 at 10:30 a.m. in-person and livestreamed. Guest preacher is Rev. Dr. Alydia Smith. Special music too. Cake to follow of course!
- Anniversary concert at 3 p.m., October 20. Free will offering.
- A special anniversary calendar to celebrate the year and keep track of 2025! More details to come.
- Multicultural potluck Nov. 3 after church
A Historic Video Tour of Dublin Street United Church
Were you not able to join us for the Doors Open Tour in April? No worries, watch our YouTube video following along with Spencer, our tour guide, as he shares some great facts about Dublin Street United Church’s 150 years of history! What will you learn from our tour? Click here to view the YouTube video created by Ally Schuller.
A special Keepsake of Dublin for 150th
These pewter ornaments are part of a series of Guelph heritage churches and buildings. Dublin now has the rights to our own ornament and it can be ordered again in the future, but sold only through Dublin Church. They are Canadian and handmade in Bracebridge, Ontario. www.muskokapewter.com The Dublin Pewter Commemorative Ornament will be sold on select Sundays (TODAY!!) after church or at any of the 150th Anniversary events at Dublin. The cost is $20 and payment can be made then by cash, debit or credit card. If you want or need one at other times, please contact Anne Wright at annecwright1@gmail.com or call 519-836-1054. Arrangements can be made for payment (cash only) and pick up or delivery.